WCBA Hosts Spring CLE

The WCBA presented its Spring CLE on April 28, 2023.  The 3-hour CLE was centered on the 2023 ABA Law Day theme of Civics, Civility, and Collaboration.  The event was hosted by WCBA and Senior Judge Samuel Ozburn and featured as presenters, The Honorable Cheveda D. McCamy, The Honorable W. Kendall Wynne, The Honorable Jeffery L. Foster, and The Honorable G. Kevin Morris.  Thank you to all members of the Bar for attending.

The Honorable Samuel Ozburn Hosts WCBA’s Spring CLE

The Honorable Cheveda McCamy presents on Ethics.

Alcovy Superior Court Judges Morris and Foster present on Professionalism.

Alcovy Superior Court Judge Wynne presents on Trial Practice.

Members of the Walton County Bar Association gather to listen to the Alcovy Circuit Superior Court Judges.


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